יום ראשון, 21 ביולי 2013

One small step for a Tester, a giant leap for Testerkind

It was after I've been working for 7 months in my new workplace.
I joined the team as a senior software tester. Before me, there was "Test Desert". Some unit tests written by the developers, and... that's it.
For 7 months me I have been mapping risks, writing tests plans for regression features and new features, summering tests, analyzing test activity,  and gradually improving the quality of our product. 
It happened when I sat down to write a test and interview question for recruiting the third tester to our team. My manager (the Product Owner) looked at me and said: "You tauht me that software testing is a profession."
That's one small step for a tester, a giant leap for testerkind - the acknowledgement that not everyone can be a tester; that this position requires a special characters and knowledge that is gained through studying and by experience.
Once, 7 month ago, "Testing" was just something you do on the way at the end of the development process because you had too.

Now we are the special force team to make sure the product is a quality product.

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